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Weekend Recap, Part I

July 5, 2010

We’ve been celebrating for days over here.  Days!  Friday was an all day party for Creamie and me.  Saturday was an all day party for Scott, Sunday was an all day party for everyone and today we are going to do it again.  I love long holiday weekends!  Here are a few pictures of our 4th of July, which we spent with my wonderful in-laws complete with great food, a new dress, cuppiecakes and sparklers.  It doesn’t get any better than that.

Creamie sporting her new 4th of July dress.  I can not even tell you how much trouble I had finding a plain white tshirt for her to wear under this dress.  It’s been a months long process.  Months.  And yesterday afternoon I nabbed this one at Target.  On clearance for $1.25. Score! (So that’s great and all.  But I need to have a chat with the American Children’s Clothing Association.  What is the deal here.   I wear a plain white tee probably three days a week.  Scott wears a plain white tee three days a week.  Why are little plain white tee’s impossible to find!  Sheesh!  End of chat.)  Her awesome hightop converse shoes I got for $2 at a yard sale a few weeks ago.  That brings the grand total cost of this outfit to less than $5.  WAY better than a boring Old Navy flag shirt, right?

She thought the sparklers were great.  Until she tried to touch one and I freaked out a little and told her they were hot.  Then she lost all interest.  Ah well, I had a good time with them.

She was much more into the snap-popper things.  When she figured out how to stomp on them she was thrilled and she and two cousins stomped all up and down the driveway.  And she stole her cousin’s shoes.  Don’t worry, we gave them back.

This was her face when she found out that we were having popsicles AND cuppiecakes.  Well, everyone but her.  (I’m a mean mom, I know.  I’m not going to make her eat dinner but I’m sure not going to reward that behavior (not a single bite!) with cupcakes and popsicles.  Even for that adorable face.  I did give her some watermelon though, and she was as happy as can be.)

[ I made these in a mini muffin pan, so they were very bite sized.  Oh, and delicious. ]

And speaking of cuppiecakes I made these baby bites of lime awesomeness for dessert.  I snabbed (pretty sure I just made that word up) the recipe for Key Lime Pie-Cakes from my sister and though I didn’t get to the pinwheel toppers, whipped cream and a smidgen of lime were just as tasty.  Particularly the whipped cream part.  Yummy.

I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July.  And if you don’t celebrate I hope your July 4th was nice too.  We are going to continue the party today with more time off work (YAY!), a nice nap (YAY!)  and another party(YAY, YAY, YAY!).  And fireworks.  There will be more fireworks.

10 Comments leave one →
  1. July 5, 2010 8:34 am

    Cute, Cute, Cute!

    My 4th of July outfit was considerably less festive due to the furnace-heat that Kotfu lives in; and the fireworks were not as cool, but we had glow-in-the-dark bracelets and necklaces and such…and Mexican-Chocolate-Chunk-Rhubarb Brownies. Which are super patriotic in Arizona. ;o)


  2. July 5, 2010 11:00 am

    Creamie’s new dress is the bees knees and with frilly sox and high-tops? 4th of July fashion overload!!! Sounds like a blast of a weekend (and that you need that nap, for sure!).

  3. July 5, 2010 11:07 am

    so adorable! I can’t believe she stole shoes, such an innocent-looking baby girl. 🙂

  4. Tami B permalink
    July 5, 2010 12:09 pm

    Looks like Creamie had a great time (even without the cupcakes!). She’s so adorable! I tried taking pictures of my littles and they just won’t stand still to get a good pic! Have another fun-filled day!

  5. July 5, 2010 11:19 pm

    Oh, my stars! She is so beautiful! The dress looks simply magnificent on her. You look really pretty, too, in your red cardigan.

    This was fun to read. I must click the recipe for the key lime cakes. My mouth is watering.

  6. Kim permalink
    July 6, 2010 9:21 am

    That dress is just adorable! Though it could be the awesome kidlet you have modeling it 🙂

    Oh and I love all things lime so those cupcakes sound amazing right now!

  7. Sandy permalink
    July 6, 2010 11:42 pm

    I found your photos and blog through flickr. What a great post. She is so adorable and I love the photo of the two of you together, just too cute.

  8. July 7, 2010 9:54 am

    Pink, Creamie is so adorable and that dress is just too much fun! Nice job! Loved reading about your adventures!
    XO -E

  9. July 10, 2010 4:31 pm

    You are so very clever. And those cupcakes look amazingly delicious and very pretty. Can I ask what camera you shoot on? Your images are also great. And your daughter is adorable of course!
    x Dominique


  1. A New Dress « pinksuedeshoe

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